I, hereby, give my consent to Workshop4Me, in accordance with EU's Data Privacy Laws to store my Personal Data to process my / my child's registration for the selected course. I also give my consent for sharing of my child's name, my name, my email address and phone number with the teachers, faculty members, organisers, co-host and co-sponsors of the course. I understand that my email address and phone number shall used by the organisers or the co-host for final selection of participants and for sending my child / me the joining instructions. I am giving my consent to the organisers to record the Course to be run by Workshop4Me and use it for its future programs to the run for other registered candidates. I understand that my email id or phone number or my child's personal data shall not be shared with any third-party for any commercial purposes. I understand that this consent shall be valid perpetually until I specifically write to Workshop4Me, to the email id at, to delete it from its records.